Submit a Coupon Offer:
Partner with Amazplex to Share Exclusive Deals!
At Amazplex, we strive to provide our users with the best savings and offers available. If you're a company looking to promote a coupon code or special offer for your products, we invite you to submit your offer here!
Why Partner with Amazplex?
Increase Exposure: Showcase your offers to our vast audience of eager shoppers.
Drive Sales: Encourage customers to choose your products by highlighting special deals.
Build Brand Loyalty: Connect with consumers who appreciate great savings.
How to Submit Your Offer:
Complete the Submission Form Below: Provide the necessary details about your coupon or offer.
Include All Relevant Information: Make sure to detail the product name, discount amount, expiration date, and any terms and conditions.
Submit for Review: Our team will evaluate your submission and notify you once it’s live on our site!
Important Notes:
All submissions will be reviewed by the Amazplex team for validity.
We reserve the right to edit the content for clarity and conciseness.
Only active and valid offers will be published.
Thank you for collaborating with Amazplex! Together, we can help shoppers save while promoting your fantastic products!